πͺ$Cfarm Tokenomics/distribution
Tokenomics of $Cfarm:
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 $Cfarm
3% trading fee, including 1.5% redistribution and 1.5% to liquidity pool
Initial distribution and allocation:
Staking percentage: 13% of $Cfarm is reserved for staking, providing users with a way to earn passive income and contribute to the network's security.
Blockchain sol: $Cfarm is built on the Solana blockchain, allowing for fast and affordable transactions.
Giveaways 10% : We allocate a percentage of $Cfarm towards community giveaways and events, fostering engagement and rewarding our most loyal supporters.
Presale 15% : We held a presale of $Cfarm to fund the project's development and provide early supporters with an opportunity to acquire tokens at a discounted price.
Founders 5% : Allocating 5% of the $Cfarm token to the founders incentivizes them to continue improving and growing the project. It also helps to ensure long-term sustainability by providing ongoing support for development and expansion efforts.
Trading percentage: The majority of $Cfarm is intended for trading on crypto exchanges, facilitating liquidity and enabling our token to reach a wider audience.
$Cfarm is a utility token that powers our ecosystem, providing users with access to exclusive features and rewards. Through staking, users can earn a portion of the transaction fees generated by the network, incentivizing participation and contributing to the project's sustainability. Built on the Solana blockchain, $Cfarm benefits from its fast and affordable transactions, making it easy for users to interact with the platform. We are committed to giving back to our community, which is why we allocate a portion of $Cfarm towards giveaways and events, creating a fun and engaging environment for our users. We held a presale of $Cfarm to raise funds for development and provide early supporters with a chance to acquire tokens at a discounted price. The majority of $Cfarm is intended for trading on crypto exchanges, providing liquidity and facilitating price discovery.
Last updated